Database layout

A formal description of the data base layout used by the whdp datapool.


  • pk = Primary Key
  • fk = Foreign Key
  • uq = Unique within table
  • A field in bold letters indicates a field which cannot be NULL


This is the central table holding the measurements. Each row represents a value of a parameter measured at a given time and location (site). The coordinates of the signal may not correlate to entries in the site table.

field datatype description
signal_id integer (pk)  
value float the actual measured value of the parameter
timestamp date_time time when the value was measured.
parameter_id integer (fk) parameter
source_id integer (fk) source
site_id integer (fk) site
coord_x string at a given site, a signal may origin from a specific place
coord_y string the type of coordinate system is CH1903/LV03
coord_z string elevation


A site is a location where measurements are made. At a given site, several measuring equipments (source) can be found. The location of the site is also described by its coordinates.

field datatype description
site_id integer (pk)  
name string (uq) Name of that site
description string  
street string street and number
postcode string postal code
city string name of the city/village
coord_x string coordinates of a given site
coord_y string the type of coordinate system is CH1903/LV03
coord_z string elevation


Every site may contain a number of pictures. Filenames for each site must be unique. The filetype (e.g. png, jpg, tiff) is determined by the filename extenion of the filename field.

field datatype description
picture_id integer (pk)  
site_id integer (fk) referring to the site
filename string  
description string additional information about the picture
data bytea contains the (binary) content of the file
timestamp date_time creation date of the picture


A (data-) source is a specific measuring equipment. Every measurement (signal) origins from a specific source. Sources are categorized into source_types. The name of a source must be unique.

field datatype description
source_id integer (pk)  
source_type_id integer (fk) source category
site_id integer (fk) optional reference to a site (may be NULL)
name string (uq) Name of that source. Usually is a combination of source_type and site name.
description string  
serial string serial number. Is unique, if available
manufacturer string company which produced that equipment
manufacturing_date date date when the equipment was manufactured


Categorization of a given source.

field datatype description
source_type_id integer (pk) pk
name string (uq) Name of that source
description string  


Certain source types produce categorical data, such as «dry», «wet», «n/a» and so on. This table is used to correlate categorical data and numeric values for a given source type. For example the numerical value 1 might encode the state «dry».

field datatype description
special_value_definition_id integer (pk)  
source_type_id integer (fk) source_type
description string  
categorical_value string the catecorical value
numerical_value float the numeric value it is mapped to.


Every value in the signal table is connected to a specific parameter which describes and defines its unit.

field datatype description
parameter_id integer (pk)  
name string (uq) e.g. “rain intensity”, “absorbance 200.00”, etc.
description string  
unit string the physical unit, e.g. “mm/h”, “m-1”


Sometimes, data coming from a source comes already processed. For example, the windspeed is the average speed during a certain time period. These kind of information is parameter- and source-specific.

field datatype description
parameter_averaging_id integer (pk) not really necessary, since parameter_id and source_id together are unique
parameter_id integer (fk) parameter
source_id integer (fk) source
integration_length_x float data integration in meters
integration_length_y float data integration in meters
integration_angle float data integration in degrees
integration_time float data integration time in seconds


There are two types of signal annotations: comments and quality. A comment is an arbitrary text, where as quality annotations have a controlled vocabulary. A signal may contain more than one comment.

field datatype description
comment_id interger (pk)  
signal_id integer (fk)  
text string the comment itself
timestamp date_time the time the comment was added
author string the username of the author who added the comment


A signal may contain more than one quality flag (but not the same quality flag twice). The combination of signal_id and quality_id must be unique.

field datatype description
signal_quality_id integer (pk)  
signal_id integer (fk)  
quality_id integer (fk)  
timestamp date_time date when annotation was added
author string username of the author who added the annotation


Measuring the environment is always error prone. This table holds the controlled vacabulary mentioned above. As some quality flags may be assigned programatically the method field indicates the origin of such an quality entry.

field datatype description
quality_id integer (pk)  
flag string (uq) a textual description of quality_id
method string a description how the quality flag is generated.

Design priniciples

The design of the database follows the to model multidimensional data with a

You find a graphical descripton of the star schema here.

We follow these principles to assure a consistent layout of the underlying tables:

  • primary keys of a table are called tablename\_id instead of id
  • table names are in singular
  • the star schema avoids too much normalization
  • a table should not contain too abstract information