Instructions for Admin ====================== Installation on Ubuntu 18.04. LTS --------------------------------- Run the following instructions as ``root`` (this means, type ``sudo`` in front of every command) in order to have the root rights. If a file needs to be opened/modified, use the editor "nano" (type ``nano`` in front of the filename). 1. Ubuntu packages .. code-block:: none $ apt install git r-base postgresql python3-pip python3-psycopg2 2. Install julia 1.0.1 and create a symbolic link: (Ubuntu offers julia 0.4.x only): .. code-block:: none $ wget $ tar xzf julia-1.0.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz $ mv julia-1.0.1 /opt $ ln -s /opt/julia-1.0.1/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/ $ julia --version 3. Create data base users and database We create a user ``whdp`` who owns the ``whdp`` database and thus has all permissions to modify tables and data in this database. In addition to that we create a ``whdp_reader`` user which only has read access. .. code-block:: none $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P whdp $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P whdp_reader Note down the choosen passwords for both users. Then create the database and restrict the permissions of ``whdp_reader``. .. code-block:: none $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O whdp whdp $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public FROM whdp_reader;" $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO whdp_reader;" Now check: .. code-block:: none $ psql -U whdp -h whdp $ ^D (control-D to exit postgress shell) Next, the database must be configured to allow for remote access. In the file ``/etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf`` edit the line ``host all all md5`` to ``host all all md5`` . In the file ``/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf`` change ``# listen_addresses = 'localhost'`` to ``listen_addresses = '*'``. Restart the data base: .. code-block:: none $ service postgresql restart 4. Install WHDP .. code-block:: none $ cd /opt $ git clone $ apt install python3-pip $ pip3 install -e whdp Check installation: .. code-block:: none $ whdp --help Install needed packages for demo scripts: .. code-block:: none $ /opt/whdp/scripts/ 5. Create user account for data provider: .. code-block:: none $ addgroup whdp $ useradd -m -G whdp,systemd-journal -s /bin/bash whdp-provider Assign password: .. code-block:: none $ passwd whdp-provider 6. Initialize WHDP configuration and setup landing zone: We assume that the landing zone will be located on a shared drive mounted at ``/nfsmount``, but you are free to choose any other folder. Create the landing zone and link it to the WHDP: .. code-block:: none $ mkdir -p /nfsmount/landing_zone $ whdp init-config /nfsmount/landing_zone Set the correct permissions: .. code-block:: none $ chgrp -R whdp /nfsmount/landing_zone $ chmod -R g+w /nfsmount/landing_zone 7. Adapt configuration: .. code-block:: none $ /etc/whdp/whdp.ini Add the database user and password. Replace ``DB_USER`` and ``DB_PASSWORD`` with the one selected in step 3. .. code-block:: none ... [db] connection_string = postgresql://DB_USER:DB_PASSWORD@ If necessary adapt also the path to the landing zone, define a backup landingzone, or change software versions. Then check: .. code-block:: none $ whdp check-config 8. Create the central management tool service for controlling the init system: .. code-block:: none $ ln -s /opt/whdp/scripts/whdp.service /etc/systemd/system $ systemctl daemon-reload 9. Start service: .. code-block:: none $ systemctl start whdp.service $ systemctl status whdp.service 10. Observe running service: can be stopped with ^C), can be used without ``-f``: .. code-block:: none $ journalctl -u whdp -f Keep this terminal window open if you want observe the whdp activities. 11. Install julia packages: Login as user ``whdp-provider`` first. Install needed Julia packages (these are installed per user) to be able to run the test scripts: .. code-block:: none $ /opt/whdp/scripts/